The murano chandelier are synonymous with elegance, craftsmanship, and Italian artistry. Originating from the Venetian island of Murano, these chandeliers are known for their intricate designs and exquisite glasswork, which have been perfected over centuries. They not only serve as …

What is Hammam Massage?


Hammam massage is a traditional Arabic body treatment that involves massage, exfoliation and relaxation in a warm and humid room called a Hammam. It aims to cleanse and detoxify the body and promote relaxation. The …

Espresso, macchiato, American…

There are many types of coffee and countless different ways to drink it. Italians are famous not only for preferring espresso, but also for the way they order it!

At the bar the Italians order their coffee …

When talking about hair transplant, the two techniques, which have currently proved to be more accurate, when deciding to end baldness, are: hair grafting through the FUE technique, that is, removing hair from a donor area to transplant them, one …

How to learn a new language 

When approaching English course in Ireland, there are some good tips to follow that can help speed up the learning process. It is important to consider that every person is different and that …

How to prepare game

After hunting small game in Ireland, there is nothing better than having dinner together. It’s the right time to enjoy warm, unique dishes prepared with game. We are talking about meats such as venison, deer, …

What to see in Pompeii: discovering the ancient city  

The ancient city of Pompeii has very ancient origins and guards a historical and artistic heritage that has enchanted millions of tourists from all over the world for years. It is …

The city of Rome: why decide to visit it


Rome is the most populated city in Italy and it is both the capital of the state and the capital of the metropolitan city of the same name which is …

Getting to the airport


When you decide to organize a trip whose destination is quite far from where you live or where you are, the fastest and best way to get there is undoubtedly the plane. Those who love …